maybe I’m back

Salam and hi all.

It’s been a while since my last post. A lot happened in this few months. Actually my Emak suggest me to write back. Most of my post don’t have nothing worth to share actually. Since our project (Malaysia Singapore High Speed Rail) had been put on hold by our new government, I have a lot of time spend. Rather than playing game I.e ML and PUBG, maybe I should start be a blogger back. The last time I became really active in blogging is after my graduation and waiting for jobs. Now, the situation is almost the same. I am an active job seeker now. Since our company’s future still don’t have a clear direction.

But I believe all happened will push me higher. I just a matter of time. And Allah won’t test our without a prize. Insya Allah all will come to normal soon.

Expect to see me regularly on your timeline from now.



Ps: I’m waiting for my Nasi Goreng actually.